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Dominic T. Dominic T. is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,096
Default All copyright reserve to original writers.

Mike Petro wrote:
> Your insincere remarks about my website do nothing but irritate me.
> Please go away, you exhibit no honor and I suspect that few of us have
> any respect for you ..........

I have zero time or respect for this kind of plagarism too. I have
spent a number of years creating and writing for web sites, and can't
even begin to tell the number of times I have found my work copy/pasted
and claimed as someone elses work. A lot of blood, sweat, and tears as
well as thankless and generally pay-less hours go into it, and no
matter how you want to candy coat it it is THEFT. Plain and simple.

How someone can not only live with themself after straight stealing
someone elses work, but then have the testicular fortitude to them ram
it in their face and advertise IN FRONT of the person is beyond me.
Totally outrageous. I'm 100% with you Mike and will gladly report this
information and this site for copyright infringement. I'll second the
"Go Away" comment.

- Dominic