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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default hot cross buns in Penzeys catalog

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> Not ordering this time, I threw away my Penzeys catalog too quickly.
> Would someone send me or post the recipe for hot cross buns? (Or tell
> me where to find it on their web page. I checked under recipes and
> think I must be blind.) The last time I made yeast bread, I wanted
> something a little sweeter, and that recipe looked just right. Then I
> forgot, and you know the story.

It's on page 13 of the Spring catalog, but not at their web site...
don't know why they don't have all their recipes on line.???

2/3 cup milk
4 TB butter
1/4tsp minced orange peel
3 cups flour, AP or Bread
1/8tsp grd cloves
1/4tsp grd cardamom
1tsp grd cinnamon
1/2tsp grd nutmeg
1/4tsp grd ginger
3/4 cup dried fruit, ie. raisins
1 egg
1 pkg dried yeast

Cross icing
3 Tb flour
2 tsp sugar
3 TB water

1 TB powdered sugar
1/4 tsp hot water

Heat milk, butter, and minced orange peel until lukewarm.
Sift together spices and flour in lge bowl.
Add dried fruit and yeast, mix well.
Add beaten egg and milk and mix to a dough.
Knead dough till soft and pliable.
Leave dough to rise overnite in fridge, or in a warm place for 1 1/2
Knock down dough and divide into 16 pieces.
Knead each into a ball.
Place on greased baking sheet, almost youching.
Score tops with 'X' and let rise 45 minutes in warm place so they join
Brush with egg wash.
Mix icing and fill 'X' marks (use plastic bag with corner snipped).
Bake at 425ºF for 15-20 minutes.
When out of oven brush with glaze.

Okay, not typed exactly (don't want the copyright policia on my butt)
but I'm sure you'll get the idea.
