Craig Welch wrote:
> Our nearest supermarket is quite good at request items, but they
> won't get one-offs -- and I don't blame them. If I were to ask for
> something and they get it and I don't buy it, they're stuck and
> that's hardly fair.
> Two items I've asked them to stock in the last year or so are nori
> and rollmops. They've done so in both cases.
> Meat we buy from a the butcher. He'll get whatever we want. In the
> last two months, he's got in some rabbit and some quail for us. He
> also keeps aside good cuts that he might know we'll like (eye fillet
> most often) and cuts it just as we like it. We go there on Friday
> afternoons, and see him later at the pub. I buy him a beer from time
> to time.
> Groceries we get (oddly enough) from the grocer-shop. The guy there
> will get anything
> at all to order for us. Oddly enough, he doesn't stock chillies,
> no-one else wants them. But he has them growing wild out the back,
> so he gives them to us for free.
> --
> Craig
I know that if *I* were a grocer, it would (depending on the size of the
store) take at least three requests from different people before I'd get
what they wanted. I think that would be a fair criteria. In fact, I've
seen places that have said that if a few more people request *it*,
they'd get it (but not for *me* only). Otherwise, it'd just sit there
taking up space.
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