OK, let's lighten up about not remembering which sashimi we had lastnight
So how many of you are in AA? I think there are also OMEGA- 3, 5, 9.
& 13 support newsgroups - In case any of you want to twelve step
your guilt of being too intelligent through unnatural eating habits, and
simply become human again. I think Doc Ock could have used that kind of
Who's seen every film Kurosawa ever made? Is there any scene in a
Kurosawa film where folks are eating sushi? Where it is shown in the
frame or implied?
How many of you shop a Japanese Groceries and make your own Japanese
foods? Who loves grilling their own sardines? Make Your own Miso
soup in the Morning
There is nothing like smoking seaweed on the slow burner as it is just
releasing its essential oils and fluids in a humid smoke into your
pregnant nose.
You don't know the happiness that gives me. Dit dot doo Dupe dude..
Blah blah blah blaeh blee. (Wagner)
Now get out there and eat raw meat!
These foreign cultures who realize that the seas are dead and still sell
the usa poisoned products that they won't eat themselves, but realize
that because they can get good profits on "cool" factors of cultural
backlash.. hmm.. How many Jews eat Sushi in LA these days?
I just found these on a shelf - they're crazy. I ate the legs off of
it and am waiting to understand the toxic consequences.
It's called tiny toxic candied frog - from Hugeana (little known south
of the border nation)
I'm not sualku;llllllkjl;k;l aa aa OH may DLL:JD Just eat a toe at
a tim..... ;LL: HEY LADY!
WOH WOH WOH - I've been to the end of the Universe and back 0 42 and it
is less than the when I left and more than when I was right about
Uni5q4i4qn... G3LI34FWWS
God gave us potatoes and tofu.
God gave us rice and noodles.
God gave us animals to hunt and bade us the world to nourish, yet we
bred animals to toil for OUR WANTED world to nourish IT and then ate
them IN LUST AND avoided both the hunt and the toil.
"what i find funny are gambling addicts" - is part of sashimi eating
just gambling? What is your HIV rate?
Even the Amish are DAMNED. And they know it.