Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?
>From: (PENMART01)
>Many small retailers store stock at home, they devote a room, basement,
>attic, even a closet... then take the appropriate IRS/State tax deduction...
Since marked shelf life is limited on groceries, this method wouldn't benefit
my situation. Gotta move most things quickly or you lose.
As for frozen foods, freshness is optimum in the first month of delivery due to
the commercial freezers automatic defrost cycle. It is very important that I
rotate frozen food quickly, which is one of the reasons I'm hesitant to special
order frozen foods.
I had a guy come in heavy handedly and insist that I stock Toffutti Blueberry
Pillows. He bought one package, went back to Atlanta, and I had to toss the
other 11 of them in the garbage after they went past their 2 month expiration
I learned and won't do that again.