hot cross buns in Penzeys catalog
Just what I wanted. Thanks.
Sheldon wrote:
> 2/3 cup milk
> 4 TB butter
> 1/4tsp minced orange peel
> 3 cups flour, AP or Bread
> 1/8tsp grd cloves
> 1/4tsp grd cardamom
> 1tsp grd cinnamon
> 1/2tsp grd nutmeg
> 1/4tsp grd ginger
> 3/4 cup dried fruit, ie. raisins
> 1 egg
> 1 pkg dried yeast
> Cross icing
> 3 Tb flour
> 2 tsp sugar
> 3 TB water
> Glaze
> 1 TB powdered sugar
> 1/4 tsp hot water
> Heat milk, butter, and minced orange peel until lukewarm.
> Sift together spices and flour in lge bowl.
> Add dried fruit and yeast, mix well.
> Add beaten egg and milk and mix to a dough.
> Knead dough till soft and pliable.
> Leave dough to rise overnite in fridge, or in a warm place for 1 1/2
> hours.
> Knock down dough and divide into 16 pieces.
> Knead each into a ball.
> Place on greased baking sheet, almost youching.
> Score tops with 'X' and let rise 45 minutes in warm place so they join
> up.
> Brush with egg wash.
> Mix icing and fill 'X' marks (use plastic bag with corner snipped).
> Bake at 425ºF for 15-20 minutes.
> When out of oven brush with glaze.
> Okay, not typed exactly (don't want the copyright policia on my butt)
> but I'm sure you'll get the idea.
> Sheldon