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Doug Kanter Doug Kanter is offline
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Posts: 1,130
Default Rabbits are dumb!

"Sheldon" > wrote in message
> limey wrote:
>> We're overrun with deer. We can't build a fence because of community
>> association restrictive covenants, yet last year they stripped the tomato
>> vines, the cucumbers, the hydrangeas, the peonies, my oriental lilies as
>> they were two or three inches high and any other green thing they could
>> get
>> their teeth into. Naturally, they maraud in the middle of the night so
>> we
>> don't see them (just their tracks). Very disheartening.
>> Dora

> What kind of moronic community association permits the installation of
> a vegetable garden but won't permit the fencing thereof... I'd install
> a temporary fence and let them sue me, betcha I'd win, not only that
> I'd make them so miserable that they'd leave, quickly. Didja know that
> the vast majority of community association rules are unenforceble, well
> they're not. Why are you letting a few egotistical pinheads menace you?
> Sheldon

Actually, most of those association rules are easily enforceable, and
legally binding.