St. Paddy's Day
"aem" > wrote in message
> Sheldon wrote:
>> Got my 18 qt. PIAZZA stock pot out... I'm ready.
>> [snip]>
>> Anyone else ready?
> Don't seem to catch the mood this year, so no corned beef or Irish stew
> planned. My shopping list does include Harp lager and there's always
> the chance I'll grab some Guinness for a black and white, or two....
> -aem
We're doing ours belatedly to be able to bring it into the office for lunch,
on Tuesday. With DH having the work schedule that he does... Tuesday will
be St. Patty's Day for us.
Our menu is:
Corned Beef n'Cabbage that I'll begin corning tomorrow.
Killian's Carrots
Roasted Parsnips
Irish Soda Bread
Tea Cakes for dessert
Un/Sweet Tea
I can hardly wait! With Thanksgiving being my favorite meal time, this
comes in immediately following!