Rabbits are dumb!
Dee Randall wrote:
>>I've already thought of that. If you made a cubed pen entirely enclosed
>>with chicken wire including the base it wouldn't be able to get out. No
>>luck on the trap yet.
> Do bunnies dig out under chicken wire? I had a fence made for a dog and the
> builder made it of chicken wire which he buried undeneath the ground about
> 12 inches. It didn't keep another dog from digging its way in to impregnate
> my doggie. I'm thinkin', don't rabbits like to breed, wouldn't they dig out
> under the chicken wire, in or out?
> Dee Dee
I've seen rabbit pens at the petting farm. The bottoms and sides are
chicken wire. The top and a little shelter inside are wood so the
rabbits can get out of the sun. Come to think of it the pens aren't
right on the ground. Maybe something stronger like 1/2" carpenter mesh
would be a better choice. It would be hard for them to break the mesh
to get out through the bottom.