Rabbits are dumb!
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Ranee Mueller
external usenet poster
Posts: 473
Rabbits are dumb!
In article >,
(Glitter Ninja) wrote:
> Dave Smith > writes:
> >All vegetarians eat meat eventually. That's why I don't cater to them.
> >:-)
> If someone doesn't want to eat meat that day, why is that a problem
> for you? The people I know who don't eat meat much do it for health
> reasons, but even if they didn't eat meat because they think animals are
> filled with explosive mercury, it's none of your concern. Refusing to
> make a vegetable dish just out of spite is childish. What do you think
> you're going to prove?
He said he didn't cater to them, not that he didn't make vegetables.
There is a difference. If someone who is vegetarian is coming to a
dinner party, he would still make his main dish, whether it was meat or
not, and make the other side dishes, and the vegetarian would have to
navigate. We do this in our women's group and at church where there is
a woman who was raised with weird meat phobias as a Seventh Day
Adventist, and still eats only very limited meat products. Nobody
brings all meat, but we don't keep meat dishes out because she is there.
If someone has a religious reason, or if they have health reasons, I
will accomodate. If someone dislikes something, I won't center the meal
on it, but I won't go far out of my way to avoid it, unless he is the
only person eating with me. Since the vast majority of vegetarians who
aren't doing so out of religious obligation change their minds
eventually, it is simply a food preference. If I have vegetable sides
(which I always do) and a salad, rice/pasta/bread, then they are free to
eat those. Unless, of course, it is a meal solely for that person. If
they are lucky, they will show up on a Wednesday or Friday and we'll be
eating meatless anyway. I won't cook vegan. There are some dishes that
just happen to be vegan, like salad, but I won't make a vegan meal.
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Ranee Mueller
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