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Default Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?

Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?

From: (jmcquown)
I find myself less and less often going to the big time grocery store
concern (Schnucks, formerly Albertson's; Kroger). I'm more often
shopping at what would be called a convenience store a mile down the
road. I can ask the manager there to stock things for me and he does.
That's so cool! He just ordered some Stouffer's spinach souffle for me.
For meats I do find myself going to a meat market. Unfortunately there
isn't a great fish market nearby so I have to rely on the grocery store
for that, but they have decent (for an inland state) fish selections. I
rarely eat chicken anymore; I prefer cornish game hens if I do eat
poultry and yes, I buy those at the grocery store.
respone: I have only found one mid size family owned store in my area
that will do their best to order items that I can't find at the larger
chain stores, I remember a few yrs. back trying to find colored large
size marshmellows for a halloween cake i baked -used the marshmellows
for the witches body-
Called around the local chains N got no where for a special order for
That store gain a loyal customer since. Any one who lives in the metro
detroit area should ck. out Hoilday Market in Royal Oak. The meats N
fish are worth the extra drive