Real Texas Brisket Served How?
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Mike \Piedmont\
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Posts: 65
Real Texas Brisket Served How?
> Mike Piedmont wrote:
> << When I talk about brisket I speak of two parts, the flat and the
> point.
> The flat being the thinner/lean cut and the point being the
> larger/fatty
> part. (I could be wrong, usually am (grin))! So your saying you guys
> slice the point? Do you guys call the larger/fattier part the butt and
> the thin/lean part the point?? >>
> Exactly. We carefully slice the point so that all can see the
> crispness of the bark and the depth of the smoke ring. Then we
> seperate the flats and slice some of that, too. When it gets larger,
> fatter, and jucier, we make that into "chopped" sandwiches, and the
> bean stuff. I know every 25 miles someone else does it differently,
> but down here it is all pretty much served the same way.
> At a BBQ restaurant, sliced beef always sells for a lot more than
> chopped. The chopped sandwiches are made by coarsely slicing and
> chopping the butt end with generous portions of bark, fat and meat,
> then putting it into a pot or skillet with your favorite BBQ sauce.
> Some like a lot of sauce; some like a little but all chopped down here
> have a fair amount of sauce. Heat it all together and serve it on a
> toasted bun of some sort, with dill pickles and fresh cut raw onions on
> the side.
> My favorite butcher calls the larger end of the brisket the "butt" of
> the brisket. All of us call it the "ass end". With 10 to 12 hours on
> the fire, since this part is more fatty it will have more smoke and
> spice taste. It sometimes goes faster than the nicely sliced point,
> cut off the brisket and put between a couple of pieces of heavy bread,
> no sauce needed.
> Robert
Thanks Nailshooter,
Just the info I was looking for, It does make more sense to use the
butt (what I call the point) for chopping up. That's what I'll try out.
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Mike \Piedmont\
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