"Steve and Brenda" > wrote in message
> Just a question that probably has been asked a bunch of times.
Nope, not this one.
>What causes
> the top side of a steak to turn gray and bubble when it'son the grill and
> how do I prevent this from happening? It seems like pre-frozen meat does
> this mostly.
I'd agree the freezing probably has a lot to do with it too.
It's been a long time since I've seen this, my memory is a cheap cut of
meat, thawed out and kind of wet looking cooked at probably too low a heat
with the lid down, maybe I'm remembering my mother doing it them under the
broiler. The gray is partly cooked/boiled meat and the bubbling is the
juices coming out from freezer burn(?).
What is your understanding of the best way to grill a steak by the way?
>Also, after marrinating meat, are you suppose to pat it dry?
Unless you like an excess of burned/scalded marinade flavor, which you get
some anyway, drying the meat beforehand isn't a bad idea. To be honest I've
sometimes put the meat on the fire straight out of whatever it's been
soaking in, though I don't marinate beef that often anymore. Depends I