Physically Challenged Cooking
Ted shuffled out of his cave and grunted these great (and sometimes not
so great) words of knowledge:
> Ok I have eluded a couple of times to some of the problems I'm having
> and without going into detail if anyone out there is dealing with
> physical problems when cooking, would you please mind sharing them and
> your ways of dealing with them. Here's mine - I need a step stool in
> the kitchen. Reaching for anything is not an option. I get very
> frustrated but that's the way it is for now at least. I need things
> consistently in their right place otherwise it is just too difficult. I
> do a lot of canning as everyone knows here. I get DH to put the canning
> pots on the counter as I can't lift them at the moment but I can add
> water and I can get jars out. Freezers are a royal pain in the butt for
> me. I can get into the sbs but the chest freezers are really a pain!
> DH for the most part has to get that stuff out. I cook in bulk as much
> as possible to compensate for those days I can't cook.
For the stuff in the cabinets, have you considered one of the "grasping
sticks" (I am not sure of the correct name for them) ? It has 2 curved
metal clamps on one end (rubber lined for 'non slippage') and a trigger
on the other end. Put the clamps around what you want, squeeze the
trigger and get it down. I think they also have them with "locks" so
you don't have to keep pressure on the trigger to keep the item grasped
(will let you use both hands/arms to get something down/up ). If I
remember correctly, these are about 2 1/2' - 3' long.