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Mike \Piedmont\ Mike \Piedmont\ is offline
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Posts: 65
Default Grilling question

Steve and Brenda wrote:
> Just a question that probably has been asked a bunch of times. What causes
> the top side of a steak to turn gray and bubble when it'son the grill and
> how do I prevent this from happening? It seems like pre-frozen meat does
> this mostly. Also, after marrinating meat, are you suppose to pat it dry?
> Thanks, Steve


Turn it over, your only cooking one side and need to cook both sides!
(I'm just kidd'n!) (You are turning the meat, aren't you!?)

Now that I got that lame joke out of my system,

IMHO, frozen meat might be releasing more water due to cell structure
having been ruptured by ice crystals piercing the cell walls.

The marinaded meat will have extra moisture caused by the marinade, plus
I do believe a true marinade might rupture the cell walls too.



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