Physically Challenged Cooking
jmcquown wrote:
> ~patches~ wrote:
>>Ok I have eluded a couple of times to some of the problems I'm having
>>and without going into detail if anyone out there is dealing with
>>physical problems when cooking, would you please mind sharing them and
>>your ways of dealing with them.
> My aunt Jean was legally blind (not totally blind) from the age of about 26
> back in the early 1940's. She was an excellent cook. She knew where things
> were in her kitchen and around the house by touch. She made wonderful meals
> including a fantastic German chocolate cake with coconut pecan frosting.
> She also refinished furniture and did pottery as a hobby. So no, you don't
> have to tell me about physically challenged people. I know they can and
> will do things, if they want to. Thing is, you have to want to.
> Jill
Jill, if you have read my posts you know I'm a die hard foodie who does
a lot of canning. The *want* is a given. The ability might be another
issue. Oh and I'm not trying to tell anyone about physically
challenged people. I'm asking for tips on how to cope with this problem
while maintaining my cooking standards as well as not giving up canning.
This type of discussion could be of benefit to more than just me.