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Default Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?

SportKite1 wrote:

> >From: Gary

> >Being a small independent also gives you leeway to buy rare items from local
> >growers and producers, which indirectly also helps their economy.

> I am contacted daily by vendors. I don't buy by telephone. Send me samples,
> I'll do testing with my employees and myself.
> A couple months ago, I got one phone call from Boomi Bars. Told them to send me
> a sample. They make 20 varieties of whole nut/seed food bars. They sent me one.

Only ONE bar? Gee, I hope that didn't break them (no matter how good they are)!
When sending samples, one would expect someone who is trying to drum up business to
be a bit more generous than that.

> I shared the one cashew/almond bar with two of my employees. We now carry 5 of
> their bars and I will re-order the almond protein bar in triplicate once a
> month because I can't keep it in stock. The rest of the bars are moving half
> the time, but are excellent products. When season picks up I expect them to
> disappear. They are simply put, the finest nut/seed bars on the market today.
> They are a small town op in NC. And I buy direct.
> >Maybe, if you have *any* room at all in back, you could save those rare items
> >that
> >don't sell well, for when those few who do use them come in. When they ask,
> >you
> >could tell them you have them in the back.

> I don't have storage at my location, but am fortunate that there are 4 other
> locations in my mini being a 20K sf location I can transfrer in
> special orders within 3 days.

That would work if they have three days to wait. )


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