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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 987
Default Dont Worship The Antichrist

wbarwell wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Your god does not exist and its provable.
> Time to grow up now.

Through HIM all things have been and continue to be made. The LORD
exists. Everything He has made, including you, proves this.

> Strong Atheism's answer.

Without the LORD, nothing stands.

> The general overarching definition of god as per
> the major religions of the world is:
> A. God is personal, God has will and consciousness.
> B. God has free will.
> C. God is the creator of all.
> D. God is omnipotent.
> E. God is omnibenevolent.
> F. God is omniscient.
> G. God is that which nothing more powerful
> can be imagined.

GOD is also infinitely greater than all of our attempts to define HIM.

> These are the basic attributes that can be claimed
> for the god of orthodox Judaism, Christianity,
> Islam, and Hinduism.

The LORD is the source of all knowledge and wisdom.

> Omnibenevolence and omniscience are actually
> logically derivable from the claimed attribute of
> omnipotence and so aren't not truly independent
> attributes, and may be considered special aspects
> of omnipotence.

That is not what I discern.

> There are other attributes of god, that he is the
> only such god, that he is is immortal and that
> god has always existed that are not important
> for this discussion and for now, can be ignored.

Without the LORD, your opinions are meaningless (Ecclesiastes).

> They are secondary arguments and are for the most
> part not foundational or truly necessary, except
> those that can be logically derived from the
> attributes listed above.

That is not what I discern.

> It is important to note here that this is a
> definition not for a particular god, but an
> entire class of gods.

There is no other like LORD GOD Almighty.

> Sub-theories about god are not important here.
> Christianity claims one may attain salvation
> only through Jesus, Islam claims the Christian
> dogma that Jesus was the son of god is
> blasphemous.

Actually, the Holy Quran, guidance from GOD through the angel Gabriel,
who heralded the birth of Immanuel, identifies Christ Jesus as son of
Mary, prophet of GOD who possessed with power of the Holy Spirit.

In essence, the Holy Quran also proclaims that Christ Jesus is GOD the
Son because only the Son of GOD can have the power of the Holy Spirit.

Truth is simple.

> Ideas like this though, are of little importance
> to the overarching and general claims made for a
> personal, creator, omni-everything god. I have
> coined a term, The Grand God of Grand Theologies
> for this sort of god, this sort of theological
> system of expansive claims for god.

It would be your choice to make an idol for worship.

> Grand theologies are those theologies that have
> adopted this class of god as their basic
> attributes concerning the nature of god. But it
> is important to remember here that what is being
> discussed here is a class of gods, not particular
> gods or specific gods.

Because there is only one true GOD and HE is LORD GOD Almighty...

"I am the way, the truth, and the life" -- LORD Jesus Christ

.... this feeble attempt to prove that LORD GOD Almighty does not exist

"A house built on sand will not stand."

You will remain in my prayers, dear Charlie whom I love, in Jesus'
most precious and holy name.

May GOD continue to draw you closer to HIM so that you will someday see
the following written on HIS thigh:

"KING of kings and LORD of lords."

Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the 2006 global earthquake advisory for
03/29/06, cooking and nutrition that interest those following this
thread here during the next on-line chat (03/23/06) from 6 to 7 pm EST:

For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:

Prayerfully in Christ's love,
