Al wrote:
> Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> > Don Kirkman wrote:
> >> It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in
> >> article >:
> >>> Don Kirkman wrote:
> >>>> It seems to me I heard somewhere that Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote in
> >>>> article >:
> >>>>> It is written that the disciple "Doubting" Thomas was essentially an
> >>>>> atheist until he saw the risen Jesus saying he would not believe in the
> >>>>> resurrection until he had the opportunity to put his hand into Jesus'
> >>>>> side and his fingers through the holes of HIS hands. Thankfully, he
> >>>>> changed his mind upon seeing the risen Jesus and decided to accept
> >>>>> salvation through faith when he declared "My LORD and my GOD!" (John
> >>>>> 20:28)
> >>>> So Jesus had an atheist among his disciples?
> >>> Yes. HE also had a money-worshipper (Judas Iscariot) among his
> >>> disciples.
> >> Irrelevant and not at issue.
> >
> > Actually this is relevant. If Jesus picked out a money-worshipper to be
> > a disciple then why not an atheist?
> >
> > We are all sinners and fall short of HIS glory.
> >
> >>>> Or have you once again
> >>>> failed to comprehend the plain English?
> >>> No.
> >>>> Nowhere does it say Thomas did
> >>>> not believe there was a god, but he refused to believe, without physical
> >>>> proof, that Jesus was alive again.
> >>> IOW, he refused to believe that his friend/teacher was/is GOD.
> >> It is not truthful to add to what is written in the Bible.
> >
> > Actually, these discussions are not adding to what is written in the
> > Bible.
> >
> > Thomas' declaration "My LORD and my GOD!" stands as written in John
> > 20:28
> >
> > There is nothing that either you or I can write here in these USENET
> > groups to change that.
> >
> >> According to
> >> the story the issue was never whether Jesus was God but whether he had
> >> risen from the dead.
> >
> > Only GOD can resurrect HIMSELF from the dead to defeat death.
> >
> > "I am the way, the truth, and the life" -- LORD Jesus Christ.
> >
> >> Are you deliberately distorting Biblical teaching,
> >> or merely showing your ignorance of the subject again?
> >
> > It remains my choice to continue writing truthfully.
> >
> >>>> That is not "essentially an atheist"
> >>>> but a person who basis his beliefs on evidence.
> >>> A person who refuses to believe in GOD until s/he sees GOD is
> >>> essentially an atheist.
> >> But that is not the issue in the passage you're trying to use as
> >> evidence.
> >
> > This is the issue in our discussion and Thomas' declaration "My LORD and
> > my GOD!" upon seeing the risen Jesus Christ stands as irrefutable
> > evidence that Thomas was an atheist up until that moment.
> >
> >>>> You, being wiser than the disciple, find it possible to believe all
> >>>> sorts of improbable things without proof either physical or
> >>>> metaphysical.
> >>> When faith is placed in the LORD, all things become possible.
> >> QED
> >
> > Indeed it is so written.
> >
> > For this you will remain in my prayers, dear Don whom I love, in Jesus'
> > most precious and holy name.
> >
> > May GOD continue to draw you closer to HIM.
> >
> Whacko. No hospital will let him practice...
Sorry this discussion about an atheist following Christ bothers you so
terribly. Please forgive all my iniquities.
Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the 2006 global earthquake advisory for
03/29/06, cooking and nutrition that interest those following this
thread here during the next on-line chat (03/23/06) from 6 to 7 pm EST:
For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
the LORD has reshaped me:
Prayerfully in Christ's love,