Recipe software?
In article >,
nck > wrote:
> I thought I had mentioned that I can run PC software?
> I checked out "Yum" and while I appreciate the input, it isn't quite up to
> the standard I am looking for. I really don't want share or
> freeware...Mastercook could not only scale recipes, use "smart typing" and
> analyze the nutritional content, but could generate shopping lists, wine
> suggestions etc etc etc. Quite powerful and complete. I am still using it,
> although it runs on the old Mac OS9 system. I am afraid that, once I
> upgrade to "Panther" I might have to leave it behind.
> Anyway, as I said before, either Mac or PC platforms are an option for me.
> thanks
Yum! is still in development, but it looks like it's shaping up as the
best MC-Mac replacement. Features are being added, and smart typing is
in the current version, 0.5.3 (if by that you mean it it autocompletes
units and ingredients--and both are editable, like a user dictionary). I
wasn't crazy about the other recipe software I've tried, mainly because
it wasn't enough like MC-Mac.
Yum! also scales recipes, BTW.
I've played with some of the bells-and-whistle featutes of MC-Mac, and
stopped using most; I made much better wine suggestions myself, and I
often found the nutritional analysis of MC-Mac to be flat-out wrong.
Remember, this is version 0.5.3; the author looks like he's interested
in developing it. I already like how it works, so I've moved my
Mastercook recipes over to it (importing was very easy); I anticipate
great things for this application.
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