~patches~ wrote:
> Yep, lets paint the whole country with the same paint brush
You are the one who said that things aren't done the same way there as
they are here.
>I said
> it appeared to be a pet, no way of knowing for sure. I also have no
> idea whether it is healthy or not. Just because you don't eat meat,
> doesn't mean other don't.
I do eat meat. I eat meat that is raised as meat and is humanely bred,
grown and killed. What I don't eat are wild animals or those that were
former pets, that through the choices of some asshole human, find
themselves fending for themselves. Animals that are dumped have to
revert to the wild status to survive which is an extremely difficult
and stressful process. Most succumb to predation or are killed in the
>That rabbit will make a dandy stew! <evil
> grin>
That's noting to be proud of and nothing to joke about. You're just
making yourself look more like an asshole.
>BTW, wild rabbits are caught and ate here all the time as are
> musk rats, deer, moose, ducks and squirrels.
Because God knows we don't exploit enough animals for food as it is...
>If you think no one in the
> US eats this kind of stuff, you are sadly in need of an education.
Yes, there are assholes here too.
> I
> hear tell you even had one criminal who ate humans
He wasn't just a "criminal" he was menatally ill. Your lack of
compassion is appalling.
>Oh yes, as well we
> have a bounty on foxes. Its shoot to kill and you get a reward for
> doing that. I'm pretty sure that is the same as some places in the US.
That's even worse. Kill a beautiful wild animal merely for living in
its own habitat. It makes me ashamed to be in the same species with
humans who do so.
> I'm very pragmatic. My garden feeds us for most of the year. Rabbits
> and gardens cannot co-exist.
Sure they can. You protect the garden. Many people do it every year.
> Humans are more important than animals
Therein lies your real problem. You're a real piece of work.
> the rabbit goes.
Karma's a bitch. It must suck to be you.