Rabbits are dumb!
"-L." > wrote in message
>>That rabbit will make a dandy stew! <evil
>> grin>
> That's noting to be proud of and nothing to joke about. You're just
> making yourself look more like an asshole.
My supermarket's got rabbits in the frozen meat case next to turkeys. Is
someone an asshole if they buy rabbit in the supermarket? What about a
hunter who drops a deer with one perfect shot?
>>BTW, wild rabbits are caught and ate here all the time as are
>> musk rats, deer, moose, ducks and squirrels.
> Because God knows we don't exploit enough animals for food as it is...
My cat likes chicken. Is she exploiting chickens? I'm curious about your use
of the word "exploit".
>> I'm very pragmatic. My garden feeds us for most of the year. Rabbits
>> and gardens cannot co-exist.
> Sure they can. You protect the garden. Many people do it every year.
The only fence that'll work in my situation will cost around $4000.00. When
can you wire me the money?