Puester wrote:
> SportKite1 wrote:
> >
> > I had a guy come in heavy handedly and insist that I stock Toffutti Blueberry
> > Pillows. He bought one package, went back to Atlanta, and I had to toss the
> > other 11 of them in the garbage after they went past their 2 month expiration
> > date
> >
> > I learned and won't do that again.
> >
> > Ellen
> Our local Albertsons will send someone to shop the
> competitors if they carry what a customer wants and
> call you when the items come in. They sell to you
> at the price they paid, as a courtesy and convenience
> (and to keep you out of the competitors' stores!)
> gloria p
Hmmm... that's pretty decent of them!
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