Rabbits are dumb!
zxcvbob wrote:
> limey wrote:
>> "Doug Kanter" wrote
>>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote >
>> patches wrote:
>> I'm tempted to turn the little
>>>>> bugger into rabbit stew! Any good recipes?
>>>> Aw, but they're so cute!
>>> So are deer, except that some of them also need to die before my
>>> garden gets going this season.
>> We're overrun with deer. We can't build a fence because of community
>> association restrictive covenants, yet last year they stripped the
>> tomato vines, the cucumbers, the hydrangeas, the peonies, my oriental
>> lilies as they were two or three inches high and any other green thing
>> they could get their teeth into. Naturally, they maraud in the middle
>> of the night so we don't see them (just their tracks). Very
>> disheartening.
>> Dora
> Get a motion activated sprinkler. Nothing likes to get hit with a
> stream of cold water. Except maybe a duck. If your garden is being
> eaten by marauding ducks, you are screwed.
> I used a motion activated sprinkler to keep the birds (not ducks) from
> pulling up my seedlings last year and it worked great. HTH :-)
> Best regards,
> Bob
I'll second the motion activated sprinkler. One brand is calle *the
Scarecrow*. I think it is very effective. It only sprays about a cup
of water but it also combines a funky noise that helps to scare off the
critter. I found it more effective to move the sprinkler around to
different spots so animals don't get accustomed to where it is. My
problem right now is the temps are still dipping below freezing so I
can't put the hose out.
My gardens haven't been hit by ducks even though we are in duck country.
Duck hunting is a big thing here. So how would one rid their garden
of ducks? I know Canada geese can be a real problem but they haven't
bothered the gardens either.