Rabbits are dumb!
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> "Doug Kanter" > hitched up their panties and
> posted :
>>I'd feed it to my cat, to help her develop a taste for fresh dog. Her
>>mouth already waters when she sees the school bus go by - she's ready
>>to big game.
> Okay, this was too frigging funny. How big is the cat? Not that it makes
> much difference. He/she could probably drag several times it's own weight
> around.
> Michael
For shit sake, could you guys put some kind of warning on these posts?
I burst out laughing, darn near PMP, and spurted my drink all over my
desk. You are training your cat to go after dogs? LOL! We used to
have a tom cat. He would honestly take on dogs no problem and the dogs
knew he would. A grand cat we miss dearly.