Rabbits are dumb!
Doug Kanter wrote:
> > That's noting to be proud of and nothing to joke about. You're just
> > making yourself look more like an asshole.
> My supermarket's got rabbits in the frozen meat case next to turkeys. Is
> someone an asshole if they buy rabbit in the supermarket? What about a
> hunter who drops a deer with one perfect shot?
A lot of people have the amazing ability to abstain from guilt by paying someone
to do the dirty work. You can kill a rabbit, gut and clean it and make rabbit
stew and you are an asshole. If a rabbit is slaughtered and dressing in an
abattoir and purchased from the speciality butcher and you go home and turn it
into Hassenpfeffer you are a gourmet cook.
Go figger.
> >>BTW, wild rabbits are caught and ate here all the time as are
> >> musk rats, deer, moose, ducks and squirrels.
> >
> > Because God knows we don't exploit enough animals for food as it is...
> My cat likes chicken. Is she exploiting chickens? I'm curious about your use
> of the word "exploit".
> >> I'm very pragmatic. My garden feeds us for most of the year. Rabbits
> >> and gardens cannot co-exist.
> >
> > Sure they can. You protect the garden. Many people do it every year.
> The only fence that'll work in my situation will cost around $4000.00. When
> can you wire me the money?