Rabbits are dumb!
~patches~ wrote:
> Woa! Have you ever read Fast Food Nation?
Um, yes. I have also read Diet for a New America, as well as
Slaughterhouse and I have stood on the killing floor at a
slaughterhouse in Colorado. What is your point?
> A lot of meat is not
> humanely raised or grown nor is it humanely killed.
The meat I eat is.
> We live in farm
> country so I can attest that livestock farmers while concerned about
> their animals are only concerned for the market value. Have you ever
> been to a slaughter house? Have you ever seen farm wives kill a chicken
> by chopping it's neck off? Have you ever seen the poultry or other
> livestock trucks transporting livestock to the slaughter houses? Don't
> sit there and tell me anything about livestock slaugher is humane.
You are talking about factory farming. Not all meat comes from factory
farms - a fact which seems to escape your pea brain.
> Many
> of the large scale fishing boats allow fish to suffocate.
I don't eat fish. I used to, but an incident on a tuna boat cured me.
> Fishermen
> such as us knock the fish over the head to kill it instantly but I'm
> pretty sure that hook in its mouth didn't feel all that great and really
> wasn't too humane. If you were that concerned you would not eat meat at
> all. You need to educate yourself before you start judging me.
I'll judge you all I want, you ignorant bitch. I get my meat from an
organic farmer who raises and kills the poultry himself - humanely.
That's the only meat I personally eat. I also buy his eggs and his
But go ahead and whack that innocent former-pet rabbit - I am sure it
will make you feel all so more superior.