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-L.[_2_] -L.[_2_] is offline
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Default Rabbits are dumb!

~patches~ wrote:
> You are pretending and don't think otherwise. You think you are eating
> meat that was humanely killed.

I know I am. What is your point?

>You pass judgement against the fox
> bounties without even knowing why they are in place.

I am sure they are in place because some asshole chicken farmer or
other human is suffering "economic loss". People invade natural
habitats, and then think it is their "right" to eradicate all of the
native species. They're wrong. It's an idea that, at its root, is
based in the Christian principle of "dominion over animals", which is a
completely ****ed up idea.

> You tell me you
> would leave a wild animal alone even at the risk of your kid.

I said the chicken - we were talking specifically about a chicken -
could be scared away.

>Lady, you
> are either pretending or just as dumb as this rabbit. It has been given
> ample opportunity to move on but just like you it keeps coming back.
> That means it is too dumb to learn its lesson.

What "lesson" do you expect the rabbit to learn? It is you who are
"dumb" if you actually think you can shoo away a tame rabbit. You're
an idiot.

> I'm not going to
> sacrifice all my hard work and food for a rabbit.

Then trap the rabbit and take it to the humane society or put up a
****ing fence. It's not neuroscience. In the days you have been
bitching about this rabbit on the internet, I would have had it trapped
and rehomed by now.

> I think you will find
> a lot more agree with me than you whether you think I'm an asshole or not.

I don't give a shit if they agree or not. AFAIC, they're assholes,
