Recipe software?
>Subject: Recipe software?
>From: nck
>Date: 3/24/2004 8:09 PM Central Standard Time
>Message-id: >
>I thought I had mentioned that I can run PC software?
>I checked out "Yum" and while I appreciate the input, it isn't quite up to
>the standard I am looking for. I really don't want share or
>freeware...Mastercook could not only scale recipes, use "smart typing" and
>analyze the nutritional content, but could generate shopping lists, wine
>suggestions etc etc etc. Quite powerful and complete. I am still using it,
>although it runs on the old Mac OS9 system. I am afraid that, once I
>upgrade to "Panther" I might have to leave it behind.
>Anyway, as I said before, either Mac or PC platforms are an option for me.
>in article , hahabogus at
wrote on 3/24/04 19:58:
>> Marty Lopez > wrote in
>> :
>>> nck > wrote:
>>>> Since Mastercook seems to have vanished over the horizon somewhere,
>>>> could anyone recommend a recipe software similar to that? I have a
>>>> Mac, but run "virtual PC" so can use any platform.
Ihave been looking at this, have not tried it, but it looks pretty good.