Thread: Bechamel
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Lefty[_1_] Lefty[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 227
Default Bechamel

The recipe for Cream Sauce in Le Guide combines cream with Béchamel Sauce --
so you basically made a cream sauce. As for lumps, all of these types of
sauce call for straining through fine mesh.

So how many rolls of wallpaper did you hang, Dee?
Life is for learning

"Dee Randall" > wrote in message
> I've never made a bechamel that I would consider exceptional or even
> acceptable (for me). Today I tried a different tactic.
> I was going to have a different meal altogether but when I looked in the
> frig there was 3 cups of cream and some brown crimini mushrooms. The

> was 8 days out of date, but still acceptable, and the mushrooms might have
> been if-y when I bought them (in a cellophane pack).
> I cleaned up the mushrooms to where they didn't smell too amoniac and

> them. While they were frying I got out and compared Giada's and Mario's
> bechamel sauce and found that Mario's recipe fit my 3 cups of cream

> calculating the difference of Giada's 4 cups' recipe). Both called for
> milk - not cream. I didn't care because I've never made a fit bechamel so
> far -- always lumpy and spending more time with lumps than the cooking!
> I heated the cream in the microwave slowly to about 160º while I heated

> 5 T butter (both recipes called for the same amount of butter) and then
> sprinkled 1/3 cup flour into it. Giada' recipe said to cook 2 minutes,
> Mario's said to cook 6-7 minutes. I cooked until starting to turn a

> brownish, as Mario said, maybe about 4 minutes. DH poured the hot cream
> into the butter/flour mixture 1 cup at a time while I whisked. It was

> thick; I would assume mainly due to cream instead of milk. I added 1/2

> amount of salt and nutmeg called for, and it still was pretty pungent with
> salt & nutmeg. NO LUMPS!
> Then I added the finished mushrooms and the spaghetti to the big pan of
> bechamel and used tongs to separate them as they cooked. This really

> like carbonara.
> I saved the rest of the bechamel (in the freezer) for another day.
> Necessity was the mother of invention as I rescued the mushrooms and the
> rest of the cream that I had bought to make chocolate truffles.
> Served with 'organic' fresh carrots, salt & pepper; butter lettuce with

> and vinegar and a glass of wine, French for DH; Italian for me.
> It's now snack time and a movie -- thanks TJ's for salza and chips - as

> say, "Good to go."
> Dee Dee