Thread: Bechamel
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Reg[_1_] Reg[_1_] is offline
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Default Bechamel

Kent wrote:

> Dee, I only answered half of your question.
> The usual ratio of roux to liquid(cream, milk, or stock, or a combination)
> is enough roux to give 2TB flour to one cup of stock,cream or milk. This
> gives you a fairly thick sauce. I usually use enough roux to contain 1.5 TB
> flour per cup of liquid. When you hit the geezer phase of life you like your
> sauces a bit thinner, and less fatty. This is why olive oil, rather than
> butter works so well, and it's easier.
> Kent

Good point about the fat content. I use olive as well sometimes,
depending on the dish.

When I want minimal fat, I use a pure slurry, which you can
do with flour if you mix it properly. You can leave the fat
out altogether that way.
