Are we losing the art of cooking?
"Dee Randall" > wrote:
> Yes, they ate thru my plastic garbage cans, destroying them, and eating my
> collected walnuts.
It's amazing the sense of smell they have, and what persistence they have to
get at what they smell. Around here we just use trash bags, which makes it
relatively easy for them. One day a squirrel smelled an empty peanut butter
jar in my neighbor's trash, got it out, and carried it onto my patio (under
the "squirrel central" tree). I picked the jar up, double wrapped it, and
put it inside my trash bag. So there were now three layers of plastic bag
around that peanut butter jar. But still the squirrels could smell it, and
they dug that jar out of my trash bag! I did find a way to dissuade them...
putting some ammonia on the objects in the trash bag that they might like
(anything nut related, including nut shells). Either they really hate that
smell, or it fouls up their sense of smell so they can't detect the nut
( #wff_ng_7# at #verizon# period #net# )