In article <laKTf.8781$gD4.2711@trnddc05>,
"wff_ng_7" > wrote:
> "~patches~" > wrote:
> > Squirrels are funny! I toss out peanuts to the blue jays so one Christmas
> > I got the idea to put out the leftover Christmas nuts. DH was not amused
> > cleaning them out of the downspout
We live on the water now so have a
> > problem feeding wildlife although I still toss our peanuts to the blue
> > jays each morning. I have one fat blue jay that follows me around when
> > I'm outside, bold as anything! DH said no bird feeders as we've had a
> > rodent problem and we do have a lot of other wildlife.
> We learned our lesson about feeding squirrels many years ago. You can
> actually get them to take the peanut out of your hand. They get very
> friendly. In fact, way too friendly. Eventually they would sit on the
> railing on our front steps waiting for a handout. The last straw with my
> mother was when she wanted to go out shopping one day, and there was a
> squirrel spread eagled on the screen door. She couldn't get out. No more
> feeding the squirrels after that episode!
<lol> Hummingbirds can be nearly as bad...
Mom used to keep 3 one liter feeders hanging from the awning when we
lived in California. We'd count up to 40 birds around those three
feeders at any one time during the summer. They'd have babies in the 3
big oak trees near the awning.
When the feeders got empty, they would hover in front of the windows
begging. :-)
The hardest thing was taking the feeders down in the late fall so they
little buggers would migrate when they were supposed to.
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson