the best cut of meat for roast?
About a year ago, I asked the meat manager what the best cut of meat
was for a roast in the crock pot - the kind that falls apart and
doesn't need a knife. He told me, and it was great.
I bought a vaiety of meats on special and froze them. A couple weeks
ago, I put two in the corck pot. Both were good, but one was like
cutting steaks, and one was falling apart. Of course, it didn't occur
to me to note which was which before I cooked them.
I asked the new meat manager, and she told me they are all the same.
Clearly, they aren't.
Can anybody tell me which is the best for falling apart? It's so much
more tender, easuer to eat, and just tastes better. It freezes and
reheats well, and I would like to make more of that kind.