Thread: LEEKS!
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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default LEEKS!

DWACON wrote:
> Our office was blessed (or cursed) with a TV and we were listening to
> the Fox News ALL DAY LONG. Finally, we started flipping channels and
> saw, on Oprah, that this French woman made leek soup to cleanse her
> body.
> Not sure how accurate that is... but I went and bought a couple leeks.
> Now, can someone tell me how to make this healthy leek soup?
> Thanks in advance!

Don't know about *that* specific recipe but leeks are very good thinly
sliced and cooked in chicken stock, with or without potatoes, with or
without having the soup pureed with a stick blender. I've posted my
potato-leek soup before. I'll bet if you Google you'll find a ton of leek
soups out there.
