The two Chinese characters for Buddha Palm also mean Bergamot. I look
around on the .TW sites and see more meanings like Dong Ding Wulong
Buddha Palm and occasional description for Earl Grey. If I read
between the lines on the Russian site the cake is a compressed oolong
and not puer. What you describe is how my one Taiwan aged oolong looks
after several infusions. It just stays 'crinkled'. So I think Buddha
Palm is an term for compressed tea and not flavoring or puer. I need
to do some more digging. The real problem Google doesn't like BIG5 and
Babelfish errors out because some of the characters aren't BIG5 pairs.
I can drill down and covert to Unicode but like looking for a needle in
a haystack. I don't pest people just to handle my special request.
Just knowing Taiwan is producing compressed cakes of something is worth
checking out.
Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> Cowboy, Melinda -
> This tea has an interesting feature - I brew it for 20 times and it does not
> loose the ability to produce quite dark soup even then. The color is dark
> yellow without as much as a hint of red.
> Also it stays rolled/crinkled - I mean it never completely unfold into
> leaves.
> Sergei does not sell here but there is always a possiblity... He may sell
> you some tea and put it together with the tea he sends to me once in a
> while. Or he may send you the tea directly from Taiwan. he is leaving for
> Taiwan tomorrow - so if you send him an email, who knows...
> Sasha.
> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> > Thanks Sasha. I've been plowing through the .TW sites that sell Puer.
> > So far, compressed just from the mainland and nothing from Taiwan. I
> > do see loose with Taiwan brands which is on Ebay. That Buddha hand
> > looks yummy.
> >
> > Jim
> >
> > Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> >> Jim,
> >>
> >> One of these - Fou Shou Hei Cha (Buddha hand) I get from a close friend
> >> who
> >> is a top importer of Taiwan teas into Russia.
> >> Take a look at this tea at the english version of his site
> >>
> >>
> >> You can contact him at the email on the web site and may be he can send
> >> you
> >> these cakes directly from Taiwan.
> >> Mentioning my name will assure that you will be treated as a friend 
> >>
> >> Sasha.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Sasha you tease. Forget the pics. Tell us where to get some.
> >> >
> >> > Jim
> >> >
> >> > Alex Chaihorsky wrote:
> >> >> Taiwan makes some very high quality green puerhs and also aged oolongs
> >> >> compressed into bing cha cakes.
> >> >> I can post some pics if you tell me where.
> >> >>
> >> >> Sasha.
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> > ...I delete me...
> >> >> > Does anyone know if Taiwan can make puer?
> >