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Space Cowboy Space Cowboy is offline
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Default Some surprises in Chinatown

Hey Danny and Lew too,

Double check me. These are the Chinese characters mentioned below:

·ðÊÖ Fo Shou
¸Ì Gan
¹Ï Gua
ÏãÖÖ Xian(g) Yuan


samarkand wrote:
> Therea re several types of "Fo Shou" -
> a. Fo Shou Gan (Fo Shou Tangerine, lit) - a citron fruit commonly used on
> bergamot, but it actually is another fruit, the Citrus wilsonii Tanaka, used
> mainly as medicine.
> b. Fo Shou Gua - another fruit, known as Sechium edule, used mainly chinese
> cooking and medicine.
> c. Fo Shou - a large leaf varietal from Fujian province, near Xiamen, used
> in the making of Oolong tea, with an unique slightly citrus flavour.
> d. Fo Shou - the same varietal from China, imported into Taiwan, grown
> mainly in Pinling county of Taiwan, Taidong region and Nantou county, used
> in the making of Oolong.
> C & D are from the same te varietal, which has 2 strains: the green shoot
> Fo Shou and the red shoot Fo Shou. In taste,there is no pronounced
> difference. The Fo Shou varietal is also known as the Xian Yuan varietal.
> Danny