Doug Kanter wrote:
> "DWACON" > wrote in message
> news:YxoUf.424$EZ6.330@dukeread12...
>>"jmcquown" > wrote in message
.. .
>>>I cut off the unusable green leafy part and then douse the leeks in a
>>>sinkful of water (or a deep pot) and swish them around. I've never
>>>had a problem.
>>Okay... I think after dozens of messages... I finally got an answer to my
>>question. Sort of...
>>So I don't cook the green part? That's a start...
>>Any more?
> Slice the white part from top to bottom, so you've cut the cylinder in half.
> That'll open up more crevices where soil particles hide. Plung the whole
> thing into a deep bowl of cold water, and swish it around. Let the stuff sit
> in the water for a few minutes so all soil sinks to the bottom. A salad
> spinner's handy for this because you can lift the basket out with the leeks
> inside, leaving the dirty water in the spinner.
You can tie the green tops together into a sachet and use them in making
a broth. Simmer for a while and discard.