"Phred" wrote
"limey" wrote:
>>May we start a new thread, please? The old one started out as "Asparagus"
>>then morphed several times to the point where the thread is really long.
> Okay. But I thought changing the subject line would help. It hasn't
> been a problem with my old News Xpress, but maybe your MSOE isn't up
> to the task. ;-)
Rueful grin. I really can't ask OE to do what's
apparently impossible for them. Or else I'm not computer savvy enough to
break up the thread.
>>Phred - did you by any chance read my post to you? I wondered how long it
>>took for a banana tree to grow from planting size to maturity and bear
>>fruit. I visualize the farmers and workers will be hurting for quite a
> I tried to find something definitive about this on www.dpi.qld.gov.au
> last night, Dora, but the nearest I got to it was some blurb about a
> handbook they will sell to you for about $100. :-(
> <rant>
> Without putting too fine a point on it, the attitude of the Qld Govt
> WRT public info is really ****ing me off. Tax payers have "bought"
> this sort of research-based info over the past 100+ years and now the
> bloody government wants to sell it to us again! Premier Pete's "Smart
> State" -- wotta friggin' larf!
> </rant>
> The best I could glean from some of my horti mates is that sucker
> regrowth could be back in production within about 6 months in the
> humid tropics like the Innisfail/Tully districts. Where replanting is
> needed it will take some months longer. It is still unclear how much
> replanting will be needed and how much can simply be "ratooned" from
> sucker growth. Full supply is not expected again until March 2007.
> Even with "only" twelve months there will be major problems beyond the
> immediate financial impacts on the farmers -- things like the loss of
> key staff and the impact on the necessary support industries such as
> transport and services. Once these close down, it can be hard to get
> them up to speed again.
> On a brighter note, cyclones in North Queensland help keep small scale
> NSW producers viable through the consequential price increases. Those
> New South Welchmen will stand to do pretty well out of a big one
> like Larry -- but it sounds like a bugger of a way to run a business!
> Cheers, Phred.
At least it takes the crop a much shorter time to recover than I had
visualized but, as you say, the delay doesn't help workers and the support
My sympathies about the Aussie government. We share similar problems here.
Why does inertia strike officials once they gain office? (You don't want to
hear my rant. ;-((
Take care, Phred, Rhonda and Peter.