In article >,
RoR > wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2006 17:50:42 -0500, "Dee Randall"
> > wrote:
> >Trivet sitting in bottom of Dutch Oven, don't know whether it belongs or
> >not.
> >
> >
> Trivets are used inside dutch ovens to rest a pan on to bake goods. For
> example, a pan of
> cornbread placed on a trivet inside the DO then coals under and on top of the
> oven bake
> the cornbread.
> The trivet belongs there. You don't show the top but, this looks like what I
> am looking
> for...I keep eyes open at garage sales for camp ovens.
> BTW, difference between a regular dutch oven and a camp oven is that the camp
> oven lid is
> usually flatter and has a lip to keep the coals from rolling off.
> --
> Rick R
A simple steel Iris steamer with the legs removed makes a good trivet.
I use that on the bottom of my stainless steel pressure cooker to help
eliminate scorching.
It works and is easy to clean and store.
I yanked the legs off with a pair of plyers. ;-)
Peace, Om.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson