what's the oldest thing you've thawed and eaten?
That's a tough one to answer because I routinely dig *something* out of
the deep freezer that is older than anything mentioned in this thread so
far, and pay little attention to it.
I know I've had frozen pesto that was over 10 years old. It was still
good. And I probably have frozen chickens in the bottom of the chest
freezer that old. And some frozen peppers from 1997... I recently
thawed and made emergency chicken soup with a game hen that I had bought
sometime in the 1990's; I didn't look at the label to see when it was
packaged. It was in it's original shrink wrap, and it was still perfect
when I thawed it.
I think Barb recently posted about thawing and cooking something that
was about 20 years old, but I might be mistaken.
I'm trying to empty the freezers faster than I'm restocking them, but
I'm not very good at rotating the stock. :-)
Best regards,