Thread: Corned Beef ?
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sarah bennett sarah bennett is offline
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Posts: 737
Default Corned Beef ?

~patches~ wrote:
> I put the corned beef on according to the IMO vague instructions. Cover
> with cold water, bring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook until fork
> tender. Do I need to cover the pot? Is that foam supposed to be
> skimmed off or just left? Do I need to stir at all?

I simmer it, partially covered, and skim after the first half hour or
so. 3 hours should do you good.



anisaerah at s b c

Adam Bowman wrote:
>I always wonder when someone brings up a point about Bush, and you
> then bring up something that Clinton did, are you saying they are both
> wrong? Because that's all it points out to me, places where they both
> messed up. It doesn't negate the fact that Bush did wrong; was that
> your intention?
> That type of argument is like
> "Bob shot someone"
> "Yeah, but don't you remember when Don hit that guy with a bat?"