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~patches~[_1_] ~patches~[_1_] is offline
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Default Out with the Omega-3, in with the next hot product?

Lefty wrote:

> Might as well toss your fish oil pills into the chowder. You served salmon a
> lot when you might have gotten the same health benefits with lean pork.
> says Omega-3 is not really all that great.
> Have you noticed how lately they tout something as a major health benefit
> and then discount it after five years? The process is getting faster now,
> they are already publishing stuff that doubts efficacy of Omega-3 benefits.

Lefty, I'll check out the article. I can't say I changed out diet in
any way regarding Omega-3 but I do take and Omega 3-6-9 supplement daily
in addition to other supplements. My take on a lot of the marketing
buzz words is they use whatever will sell the product. For awhile it
was new & improved, low fat, then low carb, heart smart, now trans-fat
free and omega 3. There are whole aisles of organic products too,
another buzz word. I've likely missed a couple. They will keep doing
this until the next thing comes along. That is what companies pay these
marketing experts to do. Find a buzz word that will sell their product.
I'm glad most of my food dollars are not spent in a grocery store!