Rabbits are dumb!
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 13:45:24 -0600, Michael \Dog3\ Lonergan wrote
(in article >):
> The (bitch) lady down the street said one time "I just can't control Max"
> and my response was "You said you moved here to protect your children. None
> of us can figure out what you are protecting them from. If you can't
> control a housepet, what makes you think you can control your children"?
> She was ****ed.
As a responsible dog owner (and rabbit too as I mentioned in another thread.
Ok, a budgie & some fish as well) the only thing you can do is complain to
the city about the dog. Our two are fenced in and likewise are the neighbors
dogs as well. It's a very rare case to see a dog running loose in our city
and when it does happen, it's due to human error which of course is excusable
to a point. Complain, complain complain to the city and the owner will
eventually get the message. It's not the dogs fault in the least and the
owner should be the one in the pen...
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