Rabbits are dumb!
Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> hitched
> up their panties and posted
> ink.net:
>> Michael "Dog3" Lonergan wrote:
>>> The (bitch) lady down the street said one time "I just can't
>>> control Max" and my response was "You said you moved here to
>>> protect your children. None of us can figure out what you are
>>> protecting them from. If you can't control a housepet, what makes
>>> you think you can control your children"? She was ****ed.
>> Lol...I can think of LOTS of good stuff to say and do to her...
> Well, I did last summer. I sailed a *** Pride flag on the flag pole
> all summer.
> Michael <- was evil last year
You're talking about a literal flag pole, I hope...
Best regards,