Rabbits are dumb!
On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 16:29:53 -0600, patches~ wrote
(in article >):
> Ruddell wrote:
>> On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 15:42:09 -0600, patches~ wrote
>> (in article >):
>>> Well, if your rabbit go out and was being a nuisance in my garden it
>>> would suffer the same fate as the one I orignally posted about. I would
>>> not hesitate to call Animal Control again if the traps failed to catch
>>> it. I'm glad you like your pet but your pet has no right being on my
>>> property.
>> If my rabbit did get out and you caught him in your yard I would appreciate
>> you reporting the incident. I agree with you, he's got no right in your
>> yard anymore than has any other unwanted animal in mine. That's basically
>> my
>> point, that it's not the animals fault when they get loose, it's the
>> owners.
>> I consider myself a responsible pet owner but let's be real about it,
>> people
>> can and do make mistakes.
> You would change your mind if you knew what happened to the rabbit I
> reported. We tried to trap the thing several nights in a row. My one
> neighbour kept trying to use a pellet gun on it. I finally called
> Animal Control who destroyed the animal on the spot. It took them a
> good part of the day to finally get it too.
In our city you make the reports to the Humane Society for Animals. A much
better idea that simply Animal Control. In fact, that's where we adopted
Lefty from ;-)
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