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Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 987
Default Prepare the way for the LORD...

....make straight paths for HIM. (Matthew 3:3 and Isaiah 40:3)

"Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the
rough ground shall become level, and the rugged places a plain."
(Isaiah 40:4)

Dear Friend,

Through many days of prayer seeking the LORD's guidance on how to
effectively call out as one of HIS lowly watchmen regarding a "great
earthquake" (Revelation 6:12) that may possibly happen in less than 5
days (03/29/06), the above verses which are from both the OT and the NT
came to mind.

This electronic message will be a feeble solitary voice calling out
into the desert that is the Internet ever hopeful that it will be heard
by all so that "the glory of the LORD will be revealed." (Isaiah 40:5)
Please help by conveying this message to everyone you know. It will be
my fervent prayer, in Jesus' most precious and holy name, that all who
understand the essence of this message will be protected from all harm
in this time that may possibly be leading to "the great tribulation"
referenced in the 14th verse of Revelation 7. Please join me in our
collectively praying for GOD's protection, HIS continued mercy and HIS
infinite grace for all those who are blessed by an understanding of
this message.

At 7:00 AM Eastern Standard Time next Wednesday (3/29/2006), an unusual
total solar eclipse will happen in Turkey at 2:00 PM (their time) that
will darken the skies of the ancient cities where the 7 Churches of
Christ reside in the same order as given **twice** in Revelation (1:11
and then chapters 2 through 3). A parallel solar eclipse apparently
happened on this same day (March 29th) in 70AD, which is the year that
Jerusalem was destroyed. This upcoming total solar eclipse next
Wednesday could very well be the same eclipse that was seen by John in
the prophetic vision given to him by LORD Jesus Christ as described in
the 12th verse of Revelation 6. A "great earthquake" is linked to this
solar eclipse visualized by John as described in Revelation 6:12.

For more details including a link that has descriptions of recent
observed events that may possibly represent the elements in Revelation
6 that precede the "great earthquake" heralded by the 12th verse,
please visit the following online article:

This Sunday (3/26/2006) you are welcome to stop by the on-line chatroom between 2-5 PM Eastern Standard Time to ask
questions and confirm the authenticity of this message:

In the continued interest of making this message "on-topic" for the
USENET newsgroups ACC, SMC, AA, and RFC that are its initial
recipients, would be glad to also chat about LORD Jesus Christ,
cardiology, atheism, and/or cooking food.

Prayerfully in Christ's amazing love,

Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD
Cardiologist and Foundation Advisor