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BOB BOB is offline
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Posts: 174
Default Grilling question

Kent wrote:

:: I'm guessing you're grilling with the grill lid down over the coals
or the
:: burner. This will cause the top of the steak to turn grey, and it
:: overcook it by the time you turn it and get it seared. It will also
dry the
:: steak out more than you would like. I always grill with the cover
up. This
:: is difficult with almost all gas grills. You just don't get a
:: "charred" surface.
:: I always pat marinade away from the surface of the meat. As strange
as this
:: may sound, I either spray PAM, or canola oil onto the surface of
the meat.
:: That very miniscule fat coating results in a much better "char" and
:: interior stays moist.
:: To the best grilling ever,
:: Kent



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