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Dee Randall Dee Randall is offline
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Default Grass Fed Beef v. Grain Fed Beef

> Yes, it was wonderful but I wasn't a good farm wife - it hurt to send away
> an animal which would come and lick your hand, courtesy of 4H taming.
> Dora

The cows would come over to me to get whatever they imagined I might have
for them, just like any other animal will do; we never heard of 4H or 4H
taming. We named our cows, even though there was a barn full of them.

We went to round up the cows for milking at night, and one time my uncle
(within 9 months of my age) noticed I had a red dress on (remember those red
dresses with the white dots in the 40's?) and asked me to wave my skirt in
front of them. A couple of cows turned bad and came at me.
Dee Dee