Can you ask your grocery store to stock stuff?
On Sat, 04 Oct 2003 17:25:46 -0600, Gary > wrote:
>Frogleg wrote:
>> If the local
>> manager *does* kindly take requests, and it doesn't come on the Big
>> Truck, that's the end of the story. The local personnel do their best,
>> I think but the Big Truck rules.
>I would never expect a large food chain to even listen, much less stock something
>at *my* request. OTOH, that gives the smaller stores an advantage over the big
>ones. That's a way for them to take customers away from the big chains.
Alas, the "smaller stores" here are 7/11 or even more downscale food
marts. Every 'gourmet' grocery in this area of 330,000 people has
failed within a few years (as well as most non-chain restaurants). I
could drive 25mi to Williamsburg to shop (or I could move!), but it's
easier to whine. :-)